Germany: EnglishChange

Diversity and equal opportunities

 As a development partner of the automotive industry, KIRCHHOFF Automotive has a presence worldwide. The Company employs roughly 8,100 people from different nations and cultures. Not only do we recognize that the cultures in these countries and continents vary considerably, but this is something that we value greatly. We are aware that our true competitive advantage lies in our committed and well-trained employees.

Our values provide direction and security. Our code of conduct also refers to our commitment to diversity as a family-run company, and includes the following statements: “I act with trust and respect. I respect each person’s individual personality and cultural diversity.” We guarantee equal opportunities and equal treatment regardless of nationality, gender, age, religion, way of life, disability, or social background.

The success of KIRCHHOFF Automotive is underpinned by its strong global team and diverse workforce. The various origins, nationalities, cultures, genders, and ages of the people we employ give rise to the wide range of mindsets, perspectives, skills, and experiences that contribute to the long-term competitiveness of our Company.

When it comes to diversity and equal opportunities, KIRCHHOFF Automotive believes that gender equality and the advancement of women, among other things, are important topics. As a minimum, we aim to keep the proportion of women in managerial positions stable over the next few years and have implemented a variety of measures to achieve this. For example, we currently ensure that our internships and student work contracts include a high proportion of women. We also promote female and male employees equally as part of our internal global talent management program (KATE: KIRCHHOFF Automotive Talent Education). To make it easier for women to balance their professional and family lives, we run a corporate day-care centre that is situated near our location in Attendorn, Germany. As a predominantly technically oriented company, KIRCHHOFF Automotive takes into account industry-specific factors and the current proportion of women in the workforce when setting its targets.

Diversity and equal opportunities

 As a development partner of the automotive industry, KIRCHHOFF Automotive has a presence worldwide. The Company employs roughly 8,100 people from different nations and cultures. Not only do we recognize that the cultures in these countries and continents vary considerably, but this is something that we value greatly. We are aware that our true competitive advantage lies in our committed and well-trained employees.

Our values provide direction and security. Our code of conduct also refers to our commitment to diversity as a family-run company, and includes the following statements: “I act with trust and respect. I respect each person’s individual personality and cultural diversity.” We guarantee equal opportunities and equal treatment regardless of nationality, gender, age, religion, way of life, disability, or social background.

The success of KIRCHHOFF Automotive is underpinned by its strong global team and diverse workforce. The various origins, nationalities, cultures, genders, and ages of the people we employ give rise to the wide range of mindsets, perspectives, skills, and experiences that contribute to the long-term competitiveness of our Company.

When it comes to diversity and equal opportunities, KIRCHHOFF Automotive believes that gender equality and the advancement of women, among other things, are important topics. As a minimum, we aim to keep the proportion of women in managerial positions stable over the next few years and have implemented a variety of measures to achieve this. For example, we currently ensure that our internships and student work contracts include a high proportion of women. We also promote female and male employees equally as part of our internal global talent management program (KATE: KIRCHHOFF Automotive Talent Education). To make it easier for women to balance their professional and family lives, we run a corporate day-care centre that is situated near our location in Attendorn, Germany. As a predominantly technically oriented company, KIRCHHOFF Automotive takes into account industry-specific factors and the current proportion of women in the workforce when setting its targets.