Germany: EnglishChange

Organization & Reporting Channels

Compliance Organization

KIRCHHOFF Automotive established a Compliance Organization to further develop the Compliance Management System, educate employees about potential compliance risks, and to help ensure compliance demands at global and local levels.

The KIRCHHOFF Automotive compliance officer is in charge of the KIRCHHOFF Automotive Compliance Management System, head of the Global Governance, Risk Management & Compliance Department, and reports on a regular basis to the Board of Managing Directors.

The KIRCHHOFF Automotive Compliance Committee, including i.a. the members of the Board of Managing Directors, has been established to regularly validate the business processes for compliance with our principles, to identify and properly manage compliance risks, and to verify recognized violations.

Our Compliance Organization also includes an external independent lawyer (ombudsman) who is obliged to maintain strict confidentiality.

Reporting a Concern

KIRCHHOFF Automotive encourages everyone to report compliance violations of applicable laws, our values, and our Code of Conduct and related policies and principles. This includes criminal behavior, unfair business conduct, and/or human rights and environmental violations at KIRCHHOFF Automotive entities or within our supply chains. Reports can be made to the KIRCHHOFF Automotive compliance officer or our external ombudsman, if anonymity is preferred.

Rules of whistleblowing procedure

KIRCHHOFF Automotive Compliance Officer

Agnieszka Filip, Global GRC Director

Phone: +48 695 166 028



Dr. Tobias Eggers, Lawyer        

Phone: +49 231 9580 6850

By regular mail or in person:

Dr. Tobias Eggers,
PARK Wirtschaftsstrafrecht, Rheinlanddamm 199,
44139 Dortmund, Germany

The above KIRCHHOFF Automotive reporting channels are open to employees, customers, suppliers and other third parties. If you are an employee, you can also use one of the reporting channels available via our intranet.

Nevertheless the KIRCHHOFF Automotive whistleblowing system, the concern might be reported to the relevant local authority.

KIRCHHOFF Automotive wants everyone to feel comfortable raising concerns without worrying about a negative reaction. Therefore, we do not tolerate retaliation against anyone who makes a report in good faith and we protect identity of such persons, in accordance with applicable laws.

KIRCHHOFF Automotive conducts investigations with the utmost confidentiality and fairness.

Here you can find further information about privacy declaration.