HEW-Form - Hochentropische Werkstoffe für Umformwerkzeuge
This R&D project is promoted by the European Union through the Lead Market Initiative "Neue Werkstoffe.NRM".

HEW-Form Profile

HEW-Form Presentation
Technical development
Our highly qualified engineers and technicians investigate and develop product innovations and technologies for complex components in order to enable our customers to realize their future car models.
By means of our research and development centers in Germany, Canada, and China we offer our customers worldwide solutions for their specific regional requests. Starting with the design concept via finite element calculation to prototyping close-to-production, extensive product testing and final quality proof – we are involved from the beginning.
Weight reduction is a central task in the automotive industry today these days , not only for the vehicle manufacturers but also for the suppliers. Therefore, our development department in Attendorn works closely together with the Automotive Center Südwestfalen (acs). The acs is a joint venture company of the universities, the municipalities and the automotive suppliers of the region. KIRCHHOFF Automotive belongs to the founding partners of the acs. Together with this competence center for automotive light weight construction, we develop the conditions for the products and processes to meet the challenges of the automotive industry for the benefit of the future generations.
Further information can be found here http://www.acs-innovations.de
Partnerships with advanced technical colleges and universities
In the area of research & development, cooperation based on partnership with advanced technical colleges and universities has proven to be effective. Combined, science and economy can make a big difference. As such, we have realized numerous projects successfully with German universities and advanced technical colleges.
Our worldwide locations also use the expertise of lecturers and students. In China, we work closely with the professorship for automotive lightweight construction at Tongji University in Shanghai. In North America, we cooperate with the University of Toronto, Queen’s University in Kingston, and Ryerson University in Toronto. In Poland we carry out R&D activities with the Wroclaw University of Technology (Politechnika Wroclawska), and with the AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow (Akademia Górniczo-Hutnicza Kraków). Furthermore, we work closely with the Institute for Ferrous Metallurgy Gliwice (Instytut Metalurgii Żelaza) and the Institute of Welding Gliwice (Instytut Spawalnictwa).