“I value my job because, above all, it offers me a great deal of variety and allows me to plan my day out independently.”
Lothar about his job
Lothar works in the Advance Quality Planning-Testing Technology and has been employed at our Attendorn location in Germany since 2000. In 2009 he changed from the Advance Quality Planning department to the Development department. Switching from mere theory to practice.
A change with a new focus
"When I started at KIRCHHOFF Automotive, I was responsible for the advance quality planning within the project work. Due to internal structural changes this job turned more and more to a solely theoretical, resp. planning duty, mostly taking place at the desk. As I wanted to focus more on the practical side of things, I decided to join the Development Department."
New department - new tasks
"I am mainly responsible for static and dynamic testing, particularly for dynamic fatigue tests. My job also includes the testing of materials regarding their mechanical characteristics like for example elongation and tensile strength. The change from mere theory to a new, practically-based role also offered the possibility to me to advance in my own further development. With intensive education regarding the machinery, practical exercises, and a variety of training measures and seminars, KIRCHHOFF Automotive made it possible for me to quickly transition to this new task field."
More than just a job
"I value my job because, above all, it offers me a great deal of variety. The fact that I can plan my day out independently is also an important factor for me. Not to mention team work, which is something that is highly valued at KIRCHHOFF Automotive. In a company like this, you simply cannot be a “lone wolf”. Coordination within the respective project team is unavoidable. It is important to me that we help each other out as colleagues. And it is just as important that I can expect the same when I have questions."