What E-Learning Has To Do With Digital Transformation
Everyone talks about it, everyone thinks the others are doing it, no one knows how to do it properly – in a webinar Lisa Kitterer, Vimala Pehnelt and Mary Sinischo reported on the introduction of an e-learning system at KIRCHHOFF Automotive.
The topic of digital learning is a long-term, strategically oriented topic at KIRCHHOFF Automotive. In an e-learning project, together with 17 Functional Leads and more than 150 authors the company has already been able to make more than 1,000 pieces of learning content available. And they are nowhere near the end of the project.
In the webinar, the global HR development department clarified how they dealt with challenges and what recommendations they give to other organizations to drive digital learning forward.
Lisa Kitterer, Global Director Employee Development, also reported that the backing of senior managers was always particularly important for the implementation of the project. She emphasized the value structure of a family-run company in which the further development of employees always has a special role.
Curious? Then watch the webinar here.