For More Responsible Supply Chains
KIRCHHOFF Automotive is one of the 15 founding members of the association Responsible Supply Chain Initiative RSCI e.V. The aim of the association is to support all stakeholders in the automotive sector by establishing a high level of sustainability in supply chains.
The German Association of the Automotive Industry (VDA) is working with manufacturers, suppliers, and other associations to develop a standardized test procedure for evaluating the sustainability performance of companies in automotive supply chains. Christian Arens, Key Account Manager in our Daimler team, was present at the founding meeting on October 28, 2021.
"Companies’ careful duty towards the environment and people has become a central issue in our industry in recent years. For some time already, we at KIRCHHOFF Automotive have been committed to the joint development of suitable instruments to promote sustainable corporate policy. By founding the association, we are underlining the relevance of the topic and have the opportunity to consolidate our activities in dialog with vehicle manufacturers, suppliers, and associations," says Christian Arens.
The association aims to review and further develop the sustainability of companies in their supply chains. It has developed a special program for on-site investigations and follow-up. With this program, the effort, costs, and eventually the results, can be shared. In order to create transparency about working conditions, tests are carried out directly at the production site. The program promotes supplier development and contributes to the further development and continuous improvement of sustainability.
"The standardized audit mechanism was developed in close cooperation with our customers. I am convinced that the path we have taken is target-oriented and accompanies the process in a meaningful way for all involved parties. The establishment of the association gives us the opportunity to apply the standard internationally as well," Christian Arens concluded.
The operational phase will start at the beginning of 2022, in which the founding members will carry out initial risk-based pilot audits.
Founding Members of the association RSCI e.V.:
- Bayerische Motoren Werke AG (BMW Group)
- Brose Fahrzeugteile SE & Co. KG
- Business Network for Corporate Responsibility AISBL
- Daimler AG
- Dr. Ing. h.c. Porsche AG
- Ford-Werke GmbH
- KIRCHHOFF Automotive GmbH
- Magna International (Germany) GmbH
- MAN Truck & Bus SE
- Robert Bosch GmbH
- Schaeffler AG
- Verband der Automobilindustrie (VDA) e.V.
- Volkswagen AG
Please find attached a press release (English) by the VDA on the foundation of the association.